Sebastopol, CA – With Election Day just a month away and debates between “donkeys” and “elephants” heating up, Redwood Hill Farm & Creamery, Inc. is shining a spotlight on goats – the unsung heroes of dairy. Redwood Hill Farm, the award-winning producer of America’s first and favorite goat milk yogurts and kefirs, announced today its “Vote Goat” campaign. From now through Election Day on Tues., Nov. 6, Redwood Hill Farm will be rewarding fans who vote goat on the yogurt aisle with the chance to win a year’s supply of goat dairy goodness, including its award-winning line of artisan goat cheeses, along with other daily and weekly prizes.
“A vote for the goat dairy my parents founded in 1968 is a vote for sustainability, humane animal care and healthy, natural dairy products of the highest quality,” said Redwood Hill Farm & Creamery Owner Jennifer Bice, who lives with her award-winning herd on the family’s solar powered goat farm, which was the first Certified Humane® goat dairy in the U.S. “Consumers contact us every day sharing stories of how they enjoy our delicious, easy-to-digest goat dairy products, and we are excited to reward their support and creativity with our ‘Vote Goat’ campaign.”
To cast a vote for goat and enter for a chance to win an array of goat goodies, fans simply share either how they enjoy their favorite flavor of Redwood Hill Farm’s natural goat milk yogurt or what new or existing flavor they’d most like to try at the “Vote Goat” event page on Facebook (entry rules apply). The best goat vote daily will win free product coupons, an 8×10 glossy “signed” poster of Redwood Hill Farm’s star show goat “Zimba,” a “Goat Milk?” bumper sticker and a half-dozen adorable goat postcards. Weekly winners will receive all that plus a Redwood Hill Farm t-shirt, gardening gloves and a set of two cheese knives. One lucky grand prize winner, in addition to receiving all the other prizes, will be sent a sample box of Redwood Hill Farm’s award-winning artisan goat cheeses and free goat yogurt and kefir coupons each month throughout Redwood Hill Farm’s 45th anniversary year in 2013, as well as an insulated, eco-friendly tote bag and a monogrammed cheese serving set. Goat fans may also claim a digital “Vote Goat” badge to share on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn at
Why vote goat? To start, it’s the most consumed milk in the world. According to Registered Dietitian Tamara Duker Freuman, here are three good reasons why:
- Goat’s milk is naturally lower in lactose than cow’s milk, making it easier to digest for people who are mildly lactose intolerant.
- Goat’s milk dairy is as good of a source of calcium—if not better—than cow’s milk dairy. According to the USDA’s National Nutrient Database, one cup of goat’s milk actually has about 18% MORE calcium than an equivalent serving of cow’s milk.
- Unlike other calcium rich foods, goat’s milk actually seems to enhance iron absorption.
“One of the most difficult aisles to shop, I am told again and again by my clients, is the yogurt aisle,” said Freuman, who specializes in digestive health and food intolerance in her private practice in addition to blogging on those topics for US NEWS & WORLD REPORT’s eat + run health page. “As a dietitian, I educate my patients to recognize that the vast majority of yogurt options available are junky, processed foods high in sugar that most people are better off avoiding. Redwood Hill Farm’s goat milk yogurts, on the other hand, are all natural and minimally processed. The goats are never given growth hormones, routine antibiotics or genetically-modified feed, nor are pesticides or herbicides used anywhere on the farm. This helps ensure that the milk they produce is as wholesome and as untainted as possible.”
The Vote Goat campaign coincides with the introduction of eight new lids appearing on 6-oz cups of Redwood Hill Farm goat yogurts nationwide featuring personal messages from Owner Jennifer Bice pictured with her beloved goats. The new lids include:
- “All Our Goats Have Names” with her beautiful Nubian doeling “Biafra” being shown at 4-H circa 1969
- “A Different Kind of Creamery” dedicated to delicious, high quality products with Alpine kid “Zoe”
- “Certified Humane Raised and Handled®” with her LaMancha kid “Mouse”
- “Sustainably Farmed Since 1968” with her Saanen goat “Jem” by the solar panels on the family farm
- “Woman-Owned and Family-Run” with her Alpine Show Winner “Zafira”
- “We Value Our Employees” with a living wage and benefits for employees’ families with Alpine “Scarlett”
- “Community” support of local food banks, youth and eco non-profits with Nubian goat “Cherie”
- “Join Us” at, The Bleat Beat, on Facebook and Twitter @RedwoodHillFarm with Nubian goat “Dawn”
Redwood Hill Farm products, which received nine awards at the Sonoma Country Harvest Fair earlier this month, are available nationwide at Whole Foods Markets and other natural foods and specialty grocers nationwide. Double Gold Awards went to Redwood Hill’s Three Peppercorn Chevre and Camembert-style Cameo; Gold Award wins included Blueberry Goat Yogurt, Plain Goat Milk Kefir, Mango Orange Pineapple Goat Milk Kefir and California Crottin French-style cheese; and Silver Awards winners included Redwood Hill’s Plain Goat Yogurt, Bucheret cheese and Raw Milk Feta. To find these award-winning products at a store near you, visit: or shop online at
About Redwood Hill Farm & Creamery, Inc. Sustainably Farmed & Family Owned Since 1968
Located among the picturesque redwoods of western Sonoma County, Calif., 60 miles north of San Francisco, Redwood Hill Farm & Creamery, Inc. is a different kind of dairy. A small, family farm, it has been producing delicious, award-winning goat milk dairy products since 1968. Excellence is a top priority and Redwood Hill takes pride in producing the best tasting, least processed natural goat milk yogurt, kefir, and artisan cheeses. Its products are free of sugar, coloring, preservatives, stabilizers or powdered milk. Dedicated to protecting the environment and green open spaces, Redwood Hill Farm & Creamery, Inc. is a proud supporter of the Climate Protection Campaign, Sonoma Land Trust, and Sonoma Land Paths. Visit to learn more about the company’s wholesome products and recipes, award-winning goat herd and earth-friendly business practices, including the recent installation of a new solar energy system at the creamery where Redwood Hill Farm and Green Valley Organics products are made.
Source: Redwood Hill Farm & Creamery, Inc.