Organic Valley Adds To Its Lineup Of Maine Suppliers

Organic Valley, the nation's largest cooperative of organic farmers and a leading organic brand, announced at its regional office in Portland today the addition of an Aroostook County organic dairy farm to its lineup of Maine suppliers, bringing its state total to 33 farms.

"That 33 is just a beginning," said Steve Getz, coordinator of Organic Valley's New England dairy pool. "Maine is a big state for organic dairy farms. We see a lot of potential here."

Getz said the recent addition of Chase's Organic Dairy in Mapleton, located near Presque Isle in Aroostook County, enabled Organic Valley to add a third truck to its fleet of milk tankers in Maine. Doing so, he said, creates an opportunity to add milk volume from additional organic dairy farmers and help defray shipping and hauling costs to Stonyfield Farm's processing plant in New Hampshire.

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