O-AT-KA Milk An International Success In A Rural County

BATAVIA — Like many “before” photos, the 25-kilogram packs of rolled butter and non-fat dry milk powder were far from pretty.

“It’s pretty sexy stuff, really the envy of the industry,” O-AT-KA Milk CEO Bill Schreiber joked as he keynoted the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce’s annual meeting focused on more than an attractive “after.”

Change at the Batavia-based milk products firm has been the main thrust of the company’s past five years, from facilities to value-added products, Schreiber told Chamber officials. They’ve had to — the O-AT-KA of 2012 was in a “race to the bottom” on price, taking surplus milk and turning it into undesirable but stable products.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: BataviaNews.Com