Two large groups that represent the interest of the American dairy industry are taking aim at Wisconsin's pending raw milk law. The National Milk Producers Federation and International Dairy Foods Association are criticizing members of the state legislature for 'downplaying the food safety risks' inherent in raw dairy products, and urged federal lawmakers to take measures restricting such sales.
As part of the bill, which Governor Jim Doyle says he will likely sign into law, dairy farms will be able to sell milk directly to consumers through December 2011 under certain restrictions. But Jerry Kozak, president and CEO of NMPF, says the policy is irresponsible.
"It is terribly ironic that, at a time when lawmakers in Washington are trying to pass a major food safety bill to protect consumers from foodborne illnesses, states like Wisconsin are going the opposite direction," Kozak said. "Raw milk is a known source of life-threatening pathogens such as Campylobacter, Salmonella, Listeria and E. coli. It's an abdication of a public servant's role to take actions that will result in more people, including children, becoming sickened by these bacteria."
Source: Wisconsin Ag Connection