A bill that would allow New Jersey dairy farmers to sell raw milk directly to consumers remains before a state Senate committee, but its chairman has promised there will be a vote before this legislative session ends early next month.
State Sen. Steven Oroho, R-24, whose district includes Sussex County and who sits on the Senate Economic Growth committee that held a hearing on the bill on Monday, said, "There was a significant amount of testimony to the committee, enough to maybe change some votes."
He said Sen. Raymond Lesniak, D-Union, the committee's chair, said before the meeting started that there weren't enough votes to move the bill, S2702, out of committee to the full Senate.
But as the hearing drew to an adjournment Monday afternoon, Lesniak said he would reconvene the committee to get more testimony and then allow a vote.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: New Jersey Herald