Milk Life Lo Que Nos Hace Fuertes Starts 2017 With Chef LaLa

LOS ANGELES — milk life Lo Que Nos Hace Fuertes campaign helps add meaning to the phrase "New year, New You" with their latest milk advocate, a classically trained chef, certified nutritionist and sought-after spokeswoman who runs her own high-end catering business, Chef LaLa. Together they are educating families on milk's nutritional benefits and the importance of ramping up breakfast with morning protein by simply adding milk for high-quality protein to help start your day right!

Families across America want to make sure that they're starting the day [and year] strong, and getting enough high-quality protein in the morning is a simple way to do so. A breakfast rich in protein is a great way to energize the morning, and adding it to your family's routine doesn't have to be complicated. Simply add an 8-ounce glass of milk with 8 grams of natural protein plus other essential nutrients to your favorite protein breakfast foods for an easy, delicious way to add protein in the morning.

Kids already love milk and it's a naturally nutrient-rich, wholesome food that moms can feel good about pairing with breakfast. All dairy milks, fat free, low-fat, flavored, or organic pack the same nutrient-rich punch including essential nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, potassium, and so much more. The recipes include some traditional breakfast foods high in protein, while also incorporating a delicious chicken with a Latin twist, and an old time favorite soup she prepares with her son. All the recipes include LaLa's personal flair and nutritional insights her fans admire so much. LaLa also opens up about her personal story and shares touching moments with her family and son, Maddox.

Lo Que Nos Hace Fuertes campaign for 2017. I have beautiful childhood memories of the milk man delivering fresh milk to our home on a daily basis. As a nutritionist, I think it's important to educate my son on the importance of nourishing himself with the right things. I know if Maddox and I start our day with a protein-rich breakfast with milk, it helps us stay focused and have the energy we need to perform our daily tasks," says Chef LaLa. "Consuming protein is essential in a balanced diet, it helps with muscles, bones, teeth and even your hair.  Milk is a super food which is why it has been a part of families and generations after generations.""

"Milk has always been a part of my life, and my sons, so you can imagine the excitement I felt when I was asked to be a part of the milk life Lo Que Nos Hace Fuertes campaign for 2017. I have beautiful childhood memories of the milk man delivering fresh milk to our home on a daily basis. As a nutritionist, I think it's important to educate my son on the importance of nourishing himself with the right things. I know if Maddox and I start our day with a protein-rich breakfast with milk, it helps us stay focused and have the energy we need to perform our daily tasks," says Chef LaLa. "Consuming protein is essential in a balanced diet, it helps with muscles, bones, teeth and even your hair.  Milk is a super food which is why it has been a part of families and generations after generations."

Chef LaLa, is an accomplished chef, cookbook author, food stylist, food consultant, certified nutritionist, and motivational speaker. With her creative talents and training, the first generation Latina dynamo is making waves in food, nutrition, health, and lifestyle in both English and Spanish. Inspired by her family of restaurateurs, LaLa is a creative entrepreneur, operating a first class catering company, launching a line of Chef Lala Homemade sauces and marinades, designing Chef Lala house wares, and developing concepts for a bilingual lifestyle television show. Her family and her son Maddox are her first priority. But when she is working, she is devoted to mastering and refining the art of cooking, and to educating communities about how to enjoy traditional cultural cuisine in a healthy way. It is a lifestyle, not a diet, LaLa says. LaLa developed her love of food in her family's Mexican restaurants. She then attended the famous Le Cordon Bleu and studied the intricacies of global cuisine. There, you'll also find more videos from our other milk advocates, recipes, nutritional tips, and much more on the importance of starting each and every day with a high protein breakfast that includes milk for a good source of natural high-quality protein with no added sugar.  

The Milk Processor Education Program (MilkPEP), Washington, D.C., is funded by the nation's milk companies, who are committed to increasing fluid milk consumption. The MilkPEP Board runs the milk life campaign, a multi-faceted campaign designed to educate consumers about the powerful nutritional benefits of milk – with 9 essential nutrients, including high-quality protein, in each 8 ounce glass. For more information, go to Lowe Campbell Ewald is the creative agency for the milk life campaign – from America's milk companies. sociedAD is the agency for the milk life Lo Que Nos Hace Fuertes campaign.

Source: The Milk Processor Education Program (MilkPEP)