Land OLakes Expert Featured In World Ag Expo Milk Quality Video

Jim Sleper, Land O’Lakes director of Milk Supply at Land O’Lakes, recently participated in a World Ag Expo Milk Quality panel filmed in Tulare, Calif. Participants discussed a variety of topics related to milk quality standards in a global marketplace. Specific topics included: How will changing global standards affect the industry? What does the future hold for the global dairy industry and how can producers improve milk quality.

“We continue to strive to make sure that our members provide the best quality milk they can,” said Sleper during the discussion. “Many of our customers require these kinds of standards whether they are local, international or national.”

Sleper added that exports are going to be a key component for the U.S. dairy industry in the near future, pointing out that exports have doubled or tripled over the past few years. “We can compete with anyone around the world in terms of resources and expertise. We have everything we need to be competitive. This is a tremendous opportunity for U.S. dairy producers to fill the gap in demand.”

Other participants in the panel discussion included – Shawna Morris, vice president trade policy, U.S. Dairy Export Council; Nicole Ekblom, DVM, Atwater Merced Veterinary Clinic and Christopher Jongsma, South Creek Dairy.

To see the two-part video, click on the following link: and click on the videos dated March 11, 2011.

Source: Land O’Lakes