Kraft Cheese Product Gains Kids' Nutrition Seal

Kraft Singles, those individually wrapped slices of processed cheese that have long been a staple of school lunches, are the first product to earn a nutrition seal from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, a trade group representing 75,000 registered dietitians and other nutrition professionals.

Receiving permission to use the academy’s new “Kids Eat Right” label, derived from the logo for the Kids Eat Right nutrition education program run by the academy’s foundation arm, is a major coup for the Kraft Foods Group, the company behind Claussen pickles, Capri Sun juices and Breakstone’s dairy products. The company has approval for the label to appear on the packaging for the regular and 2 percent milk versions of Kraft Singles, which account for roughly 95 percent of the Singles brand.

Consumers are increasingly taking a minimalist approach to food, seeking out products with only a handful of ingredients that are easy for a layman to identify. Parents, in particular, are looking for products with lower levels of salt, sugar and fat and trying to coax their children to eat whole grains, vegetables and fruits.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: New York Times