Kalona SuperNatural To Release AGA Certified 100% Grass-Fed Dairy Products

KALONA, IOWA – Kalona® SuperNatural™ is proud to announce that it is the first dairy brand to offer 100% grass-fed products certified by the American Grassfed Association (AGA). In early 2018, two new products with this certification will be hitting store shelves, Plain and Vanilla Organic, 100% Grass-fed Cultured Whole Milk Kefir. 

The AGA certification guarantees that the milk used to make their 100% grass-fed products comes from cows that are pasture-grazed and fed 100% forage, with no use of grains or grain products. It also prohibits the use of confinements, growth hormones, antibiotics, and GMOs. Mindy Seiffert, Director of Sales and Marketing at Kalona Organics said, “Launching new products with the AGA certification gives us a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Today’s consumers are seeking transparency, credibility, and authenticity when it comes to label claims on their products.”

Unlike other certifiers, AGA is a national organization, with an actual third party verification process. The inspectors that do the farm visits are agriculture specialists, not paid employees of AGA.

“Our driving force behind getting AGA certified was transparency. We strive to get third-party verification on any claim we make on our products,” said Phil Forbes, farm liaison for the Kalona SuperNatural brand. “AGA certification helps the consumer feel confident that when we say our kefir [coming soon in 2018] is 100% grass-fed, that it indeed is just exactly that!”

Kalona SuperNatural’s new kefir products will be the first AGA Certified 100% Grass-fed products on the market, with more to follow. These products will start shipping in January 2018.


Kalona SuperNatural™, is based in a thriving organic farming community in the heartland of America – Kalona, Iowa. They work with small, sustainable Amish and Mennonite family farms to produce delicious, minimally-processed organic dairy products from pasture-grazed cows. Kalona SuperNatural offers a full-line of certified organic dairy products. Learn more at kalonasupernatural.com.

American Grassfed Association was created in 2003 by a group of producers, food service personnel and consumer interest representatives. The goal of the association is to promote the grassfed industry through government relations, research, concept marketing and public education. The AGA standards are verified by an independent, third-party, on-farm yearly audit. Contact Carrie Balkcom at AGA@americangrassfed.org with media inquiries; for all other grassfed inquiries email Standards@americangrassfed.org. Visit www.americangrassfed.org to learn more.

Source: Kalona SuperNatural™