LA FARGE, Wis. — Attention kids! Your parents might need a chocolate milk “time out.” A new Organic Valley/Ipsos poll finds that 58% of parents are guilty of drinking chocolate milk they purchased for someone in their household and more than a third of Americans (39%) admit to doing the same thing. Organic Valley, the nation’s largest organic, farmer-owned cooperative and one of the world’s largest producers of organic chocolate milk, conducted the nationwide survey in celebration of the coast-to-coast introduction of its new, lactose-free lowfat Chocolate Milk.
“We developed our new organic chocolate milk with a specifically kid-friendly taste profile and reduced the sugar content and made it lactose-free so parents would feel good about making this purchase for their family,” said Minh-Quan Huynh, Organic Valley brand manager. “However, these recent poll results revealed that kids might have to ask their parents to double their purchase so there is enough chocolate milk for the entire household.”
It’s Not Just for Kids: Parents Are Most Guilty of “Stealing” Chocolate Milk and Will Savor Every Sip
The vast majority of Americans disagree that chocolate milk is just for kids (82% vs. 18% who agree).
- Two in five (39%) admit that they have purchased chocolate milk for someone in their household that they ended up drinking – with men (46%), adults under the age of 35 (50%), and parents (58%) especially likely to report they are guilty of this.
- And, when it comes to personal drinking styles, Americans are much more likely to say that they drink chocolate milk slowly, like a fine wine (49%) versus chugging it quickly, whether from the carton or a glass (31%).
When Dealing with Stress, Chocolate Milk Wins Over a Glass of Wine Any Day
More than half (53%) of adults say that they would take a glass of chocolate milk over a glass of wine any day – especially parents (60% vs. 51% of those with no kids).
- 2020 was a tough year for many, and as such 78% feel as though they deserve to treat themselves.
- There is consensus in America when it comes to the belief that there is something very comforting about drinking chocolate milk (71%).
- One in four report that they turn to chocolate milk to help cope emotionally with the stresses of COVID-19 (25%). Men (31% vs. 19% of women), young adults (34% of those aged 18-34 vs. 15% of those aged 55 and over), parents (42% vs. 20% of those with no children living at home), and organic parents more specifically (50% vs. 26% of non-organic parents) are among those most likely to say they turn to chocolate milk to help them deal with pandemic related stress.
Chocolate Milk Is A Pandemic Palate Pleaser
- More than a third agree that if they had the choice, they would drink chocolate milk every day.
- Six in ten agree that they can feel good about indulging in chocolate milk during the pandemic, as they are getting a range of vitamins and minerals needed to stay healthy (61%).
About New Organic Valley Lowfat Chocolate Milk
Organic Valley uses only 100% USDA certified organic ingredients. Organic Valley Lowfat Chocolate Milk offers the same nutrition and pasture-raised goodness as its regular milk with an amazing new chocolate flavor–with no artificial sweeteners. Organic Valley Chocolate Milk is made with milk from happy cows that spend more time grazing outside than 95% of dairy cows in the U.S.
Each serving of Organic Valley Lowfat Chocolate Milk contains essential nutrients like vitamins A and D and 8 grams of high-quality protein. Because it is lactose free, it is gentle on digestion (an attribute health-conscious moms and dads want). This is part of a growing gentle digestion/lactose-free trend that has seen sales grow 15% over the last year.*
Nutrient-rich, the ultra-pasteurized milk is from cows that are raised with the highest animal care standards. Organic Valley farmers never use toxic pesticides, antibiotics, GMOs, or synthetic hormones. A healthy planet means healthy cows and healthy products for families to enjoy.
Organic Valley’s new lactose-free Chocolate Milk is now available at grocery, natural and online retailers.
About the Study
These are the findings from an Ipsos poll conducted February 23 – 24, 2021 on behalf of Organic Valley. For the survey, a sample of 1,005 adults ages 18 and over from the continental U.S., Alaska and Hawaii was interviewed online in English. Full results are available here: https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/two-five-americans-admit-they-have-purchased-chocolate-milk-someone-their-household-they-drank
About Organic Valley
Organic Valley is America’s largest cooperative of organic farmers and one of the nation’s leading organic brands. Founded in 1988, the cooperative represents nearly 1,800 farmers in 34 U.S. states, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. Focused on its founding mission of saving family farms through organic farming, Organic Valley produces a wide range of organic dairy, egg and produce products. As a leader in pasture-based, regenerative organic farming, Organic Valley works with nature, not against it. For more information visit www.organicvalley.coop. Organic Valley is also @OrganicValley on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
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*Source: SPINS MULO & Natural 11.01.20