Ice Cream Helps Dairy Farms Lick Tough Market For Milk

THOMPSON — In the hot sun and 90-degree temperature, the two scoops of Black Raspberry Moo Chocolate Chip on a sugar cone didn’t stand a chance.

Between licks, Peter M. Orr, co-owner of Fort Hill Farms on Quaddick Road, Thompson, talked about the decision of six farms to form a coalition to market dairy products from locally produced milk.

The Agri-Mark tanker backed down slowly but steadily toward the milk house, making its daily pickup of more than 10,000 pounds of milk from two milkings of the herd of 200.

“For the milk to be processed and take its place in the dairy case with The Farmer’s Cow label at stores and supermarkets across the state usually takes less than two days,” the dairyman said.

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