Groups Making Final Effort To Get Doyle To Veto Raw Milk Bill

All the news this week about Governor Jim Doyle's reluctance to make a quick decision on whether to sign a bill that would legalize the sales of unpasteurized dairy products to the public has given opponents some new hope. A group of nine organizations that are opposed to the measure, which passed both houses of the state Legislature last month, are holding a 'Veto the Raw Milk Bill' press conference at the State Capitol in Madison on Friday.

The groups say they represent a wide and varied coalition of farmers, residents and business people from across the state who fear the bill's passage would be a mistake for the dairy industry, as well as the public's well-being.

Organizers say speakers at the press conference, who will explain why SB 434 is so detrimental, will include a public health officer, pediatrician, licensed bovine veterinarian, dairy producer, and representative of the Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association. They are all opposed to the bill and hope to convince Governor Doyle to veto the legislation.

To read the rest of this story please go to: Wisconsin Ag Connection