Fairlife Milk Appeals To Teenagers With Comedic Social Media Tropes

Premium milk brand Fairlife is tapping into The Onion’s satirical comedic theme in an attempt to market directly to teens for a soon-to-be-launched chocolate milk brand with a social media-fueled video campaign that urges viewers to do nothing. 

Milk manufacturer is taking to all the major social media platforms to reach its 16 to 20 year-old demographic with content that fits well on each individual channel. The comedic campaign, developed in partnership with Onion Labs, is encouraging consumers to take time out their day to do nothing, a theme likely to attract the young audience prior to the new brand, Yup!, launch. 

“Yup!'s target is 16-20, so social media is critical to everything we do,” said Julie Scott, vice president and general manager at Onion Labs. “We know with this audience, we need to reach them in channels where they already are and provide a variety of ways they can experience and interact with the brand.

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