Fage Yogurt Brand Makes A Splash Online

Visitors to on Tuesday might have noticed cherries exploding on the homepage. The outburst was actually an ad for Fage, a Greek yogurt brand, which has been running a series of print and digital executions since the beginning of this month.

Fage (pronounced “fa-yeh”) has kicked off a campaign in the pages of Vogue and Elle magazines. One ad shows a woman’s necklace exquisitely pressed into a bed of “ridiculously thick yogurt.” “Fashionably low in fat,” the accompanying tagline reads. Three blueberries—dangling as pendants—add a splash of color to the creamy white background.

The Greek yogurt brand isn't a huge advertiser, having spent less than $4 million on measured media through June of this year, excluding online, per the Nielsen Co. However, Russell Evans, marketing director at Fage, Johnstown, N.Y., said the effort is one of the largest yet for the brand.

In addition to print, Fage is making a splash online. Ads are currently running on sites like The New York Times, Food & Wine and The Huffington Post. They highlight Fage's two percent split yogurt cups (a side container holds the fruit), and “the newest member of our family: blueberry,” Evans said.

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