Excellent Panel Discussions Are On Tap For The 2013 ADPI/ABI Annual Conference

Elmhurst, IL – The American Dairy Products Institute (ADPI) has long been known for their annual conference held in downtown Chicago each April.  It is a meeting that is unique in the dairy industry – where over 750 attendees gather for a "can't-miss" opportunity to meet customers, suppliers and colleagues as well as learn about the key issues of the day.  This year, along with co-host, the American Butter Institute (ABI), they will be kicking off the meeting for the first time on Sunday evening, with a keynote speaker and a welcome reception, followed by two days of fantastic dairy industry panels.

"We are anticipating some lively panel discussions at this year's Annual Conference concerning the key issues facing our industry in the years ahead, helping us understand how we can collectively unleash the power of dairy ingredients,"  said ADPI CEO David Thomas.

Highlighted Panel Discussions Include:

* Dairy Industry Economic Impacts in 2013 – What Will They Be? – A Panel Discussion focusing on the industry's current market conditions and outlook.

Moderator: Phil Plourd, Blimling & Associates

Panelists: Tim Hunt, Global Strategist Dairy, Rabobank International; Steve Freed, ADM Investor Services; Mike Tannura, Meteorologist, Agricultural Economist, T-storm Weather, LLC

* ADPI Center of Excellence – Panel will focus on the industry's key challenges & opportunities in the Dairy Ingredient Sector

Moderator: Lee Blakely

Panelists: Allen Sayler, Center for Food Safety & Regulatory Solutions; Jim Sullivan, Sullivan Enterprises; Mike McCulley, The McCulley Group LLC; Joe O'Donnell; Bjorn Sorensen, Pacific Process (US) Ltd; K.J. Burrington, Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research.

* "2020 Dairy Industry Vision:  A CEO's Perspective" – Top dairy industry chief executives gather to discuss what future opportunities lay ahead for the dairy processing industry over the next six to seven years.

Moderator: David Thomas, CEO American Dairy Products Institute

Panelists: Jerry O'Dea, Glanbia Nutritionals Ingredient Technologies; David Lenzmeier, Milk Specialties Global; Clay Galarneau, Michigan Milk Producers Assn.

* Milk Protein Concentrate Ingredient Update – A detailed discussion on the ingredient including GRAS status, legal developments, and processing practices.

Moderator: Dan Meyer, American Dairy Products Institute

Panelists: Veronique Lagrange, USDEC; Tara Russell, Idaho Milk Products & Richard Mann, Keller and Heckman LLC.

Why The ADPI/ABI Annual Conference

As we all know the dairy industry enjoys no shortage of meetings which provide for information sharing and socialization.  The joint ADPI/ABI Annual Conference is exclusive in that over many years it has become the one meeting  "Where The Dairy Industry Does Business."  The impressive receptions held each evening and the complimentary social hours held in the afternoons provide attendees the opportunity to meet face-to-face with both leaders of businesses and others empowered to conduct business as either buyers or sellers.  Some industry publications have also called it the "key rendezvous for the world's dairy industry."

"The ADPI/ABI Annual Conference is a gathering that is truly unique in the dairy industry," said Greg Dryer of Saputo Cheese USA, Inc, and ADPI's President.  "This meeting is designed to facilitate doing business and plenty of business gets done each year in Chicago.  The ADPI/ABI annual meeting offers excellent content, informative speakers, abundant networking and valuable opportunities to revisit existing business relationships and to establish new ones."

Complete details on the 2013 ADPI/ABI Conference is available at the official conference website, www.adpi.org, which includes online registration,  exhibitor information and room reservations.  Information may also be obtained by contacting the American Dairy Products Institute at 630-530-8700 or by email at info@adpi.org. 
"Unleashing the Power of Dairy Ingredients"

ADPI – The American Dairy Products Institute is the leading national trade association representing manufacturers and marketers of dairy-based ingredients. ADPI's sole mission is to increase the worldwide use of dairy ingredients by marshaling the technical, manufacturing, and marketing resources of its members and others. For more information, visit our website at www.adpi.org.

Source: ADPI – The American Dairy Products Institute