Danish food manufacturer HEDEGAARD foods joins Dutch packaging group Twinpack to set up the packaging company Eggs Posure. The vision for the new company is to generate added value for the global egg industry by providing creative packaging concepts. The ambition is to achieve a double-digit annual turnover (million EUR) within just five years.
Concurrently with their day-to-day operations, HEDEGAARD foods has also worked on developing innovative packaging solutions for fresh shell eggs; a field with great potential: Eight billion egg boxes are used every year in Europe alone, and the figure is steadily growing.
In order to translate this potential into business results, HEDEGAARD foods now launches a strategic partnership with the Dutch packaging group Twinpack BV. Together, the two enterprises have founded the company Eggs Posure A/S, which will develop, produce, and sell new packaging concepts to the egg industry. Twinpack is a global packaging manufacturer with food packaging as a particular speciality, and so the two companies complement each other excellently:
– We can contribute in-depth knowledge of eggs, egg packaging, and sales, whereas Twinpack possesses specialist know-how within the manufacture and sale of packaging concepts worldwide. As such, we believe that Twinpack is a perfect match for us, says Ivan Noes Jørgensen, CEO at HEDEGAARD foods.
The director of the new company Eggs Posure will be Jacco Wagelaar from the Netherlands, whereas Ivan Noes Jørgensen will serve as chairman of the board of directors. Taking its point of departure in innovative packaging solutions, the vision behind the company is to add extra value to the egg category for retailers and consumers alike, thereby generating added value within the global egg industry.
The new company already has one product fully prepared: eggyplay®, a patented egg box design made from colourful moulded plastic. The box not only stores and protects eggs; it can also be reused as a toy: the boxes interlock, allowing them to be used a toy building blocks. The concept was launched in the autumn of 2013 at the Anuga fair in Cologne – the world’s largest food fair – and since then things have progressed rapidly:
– Even during the fair we clearly felt that we were onto something great. There was huge interest from many different markets, near and far, and in the weeks that followed we received inquiries from more than 20 different countries and markets, notes Ivan Noes Jørgensen.
The new company has already signed contracts with parties in Greece and Cyprus, and negotiations are currently underway with parties from an additional seven countries in the EU, South America, and Asia.
eggyplay® is an excellent example of the kind of product that the new Eggs Posure company can give extra lift and momentum in the marketplace. Having access to Twinpack’s global sales channels makes it far easier to realise the potential inherent in this new market, and indeed Ivan Noes Jørgensen is not afraid of setting ambitious targets:
– Packaging designs such as eggyplay® for the egg industry are obviously a niche product, but when you have a global reach niches can be very interesting. We aim to have a turnover that is firmly in the double digits (million EUR) within five years, he says.
In Denmark and Sweden the eggyplay® egg boxes have been on the retail market for approximately six months now, where they have already helped generate an extra boost in the sale of eggs.
Facts about eggyplay®:
The eggyplay® egg boxes are made from moulded polypropylene. Once empty and washed (they are dishwasher safe), the colourful, interlocking boxes can be used as toy building blocks, giving children hours of fun. At present the egg boxes come in packs of eight featuring four different colours; more colours and themed designs will be launched regularly to reflect the changing seasons and holidays. The eggyplay® are CE certified and approved as toys.