Eggland's Best Named A Top Five Food For A Healthier You

Eggland's Best eggs have been named one of the top five foods to make you look good and feel good by the editors from Women's Health magazine. When searching for some of the healthiest foods to help you feel good and look good, they focused on omega-3s for their physical and mental health benefits. Eggland's Best eggs have more than double the omega-3 compared to ordinary eggs!

"Since your body cannot produce them, you can only receive these essential fatty acids through a healthy diet,"* says chef Candice Kumai. EB eggs contain more of the important vitamins and nutrients we need. The omega-3 found in EB eggs comes from the canola oil and flax seed found in our unique all-natural, all-vegetarian hen feed. Omega-3s are classified as "essential" fatty acids because they are important for maintaining good health. Omega-3s have been reported to reduce the risk of obesity, reduce the risk of heart disease & strokes, and reduce the risk of depression.

Want even better nutrition? Click here to read more about all of the important vitamins and nutrients you'll get with an Eggland's Best egg.

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