Egg Track: The Cage-Free Progress Report

Laying hen cages are widely regarded as one of the worst-of-the-worst factory farming practices, and the market has overwhelmingly united in the shift to 100% cage-free eggs. EggTrack is a tool to help achieve a cage-free future, together.

Many companies have committed to going 100% cage-free in ten years or less. We aim to ensure food businesses can and will stick to their commitment to go 100% cage-free on or ahead of schedule. The purpose of EggTrack is to:

  • Ensure food businesses can and will stick to their cage-free egg commitments;

  • Encourage transparency in the marketplace; and

  • Provide assistance to food businesses during their transition to a 100% cage-free egg supply.

Cage-free egg progress will be tracked on the chart below on an annual basis, beginning with this first annual report published September 18, 2017. Click here to download a PDF of the report.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Compassion in World Farming