Eating Eggs Helps Reduce Calorie Intake

Last August a study came out linking eggs and weight loss. The study revealed
that eating two eggs for breakfast, as part of a reduced-calorie diet, helped
participants lose 65% more weight than participants who ate a bagel breakfast of
the same calories. In addition to weight loss, those who ate eggs for breakfast
reported higher energy levels than those who ate the bagel meal.

A new study published in the February issue of Nutrition Research supports
previous findings. Researchers found that men who consumed an egg-based
breakfast ate significantly fewer calories (18% to be exact) when offered an
unlimited lunch buffet compared to those who ate a carbohydrate-rich bagel
breakfast of equal calories. Findings suggest that consumption of eggs for
breakfast results in better blood sugar control, suppression of the hormone
ghrelin, and reduced energy intake.

Eggs are a rich source of protein. Eating a breakfast that is high in protein
will promote better blood sugar control when compared to eating a breakfast that
is high in carbohydrates. Keeping blood sugar stable throughout the day and
suppressing the hormone ghrelin both play a key role in appetite regulation.
Regulating appetite will ultimately help control calorie intake which directly
impacts weight loss.

Some quick and healthy egg breakfast ideas include:

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The Examiner