Dairy Farmers Recognized For Contributions To Providing Safe, Wholesome Milk

PHILADELPHIA – You have to get up pretty early to provide the milk that allows McDonald’s® to have cheese for its breakfast sandwiches, milk for its coffee drinks and yogurt in its smoothies.

Recognizing this commitment, McDonald’s showed its appreciation for the nation’s early risers – America’s dairy farm families – in a video shown at the 2013 Joint Annual Meeting of the National Dairy Board, National Milk Producers Federation and United Dairy Industry Association.

The video is posted at the checkoff’s www.dairygood.org web site, which provides an online forum to help reconnect consumers with dairy farming so they better understand “where good comes from.”

This is in addition to the sales-building activities that McDonald’s and the checkoff have completed as part of a multi-year partnership that has seen billions of pounds of additional milk sold through new and reformulated products. This includes the testing and introduction of 27 new dairy-friendly products in 2013 alone!

Mid-Atlantic Dairy Association and Pennsylvania Dairy Promotion Program are the local planning and management organizations funded by dairy farmer checkoff dollars. They work closely with Dairy Management Inc.™ and are responsible for increasing demand for dairy products on behalf of Mid-Atlantic dairy farmers. For more information about dairy checkoff partnerships, visit www.dairyspot.com/farmers.

Source: Mid-Atlantic Dairy Association