Dairy Checkoff Grows Sales

Happy June Dairy Month! Though easily taken for granted, consumers need to be reminded of the valuable contributions dairy products make to their life. I believe the dairy checkoff is a responsible way to do that and, with that in mind, Dairy Management Inc.'s Joe Bavido reviewed the goals and objectives of the checkoff.

He began by reminding us that, since the checkoff was established in 1984, the goal has been to "increase sales and maintain and build a positive perception of dairy and dairy products among consumers." Producers helped do this through general image-building campaigns and short-term sales-building efforts such as the "Got Milk" and "Ah, the Power of Cheese" campaigns in the past.

These efforts helped, he said, but national and local dairy promotion leaders began a new direction in 2005 through a strategic business plan that directs funds to agreed-upon strategies to grow sales over the short and long term.

The approach works, Bavido said, by identifying partners, goals and beliefs that are aligned with those of producers. One example is the partnership with HP Hood and its Lactaid brand to bring consumers back to fluid milk. Many have stopped drinking milk, he said, because of real or perceived lactose intolerance.

To read the rest of this story please go to: The Capital Press