Can Cottage Cheese Become The Next Greek Yogurt?

During his presidency, the late Gerald Ford reportedly asked the White House chef for the same meal each day—cottage cheese served with a dollop of ketchup.

That might have been the last time someone innovated on cottage cheese.

Popular sentiment has been less than enthusiastic. It’s ridiculed on health sites, with multiple fitness and body-building forums dedicated to the topic of how to make a spoonful of the stuff go down. Buzzfeed, meanwhile, ran an article titled “Cottage Cheese Is Fucking Disgusting.” Among the popular site’s chief complaints? “It tastes like nothing and sadness all at the same time.” (Over 70% of readers voted they “agreed” with the article.)

But the cottage cheese image problem is relatively recent. Roughly 40 years ago, the cottage cheese market was double that of yogurt. Today, yogurt is seven times more profitable than cottage cheese, according to Nielsen findings.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Fast Company