‘Beer Loves Cheese’ Event Offered To Public At UC Davis

You don’t have to go to Germany to appreciate the compatibility of fine beer and
quality cheeses, according to two experts on brewing and cheese-making at the
University of California, Davis.

On Saturday, March 6, the public is invited to participate in an afternoon event
titled Cheese Loves Beer: Mastering the Marriage, to be held from 1 p.m. to 5:30
p.m. in the Silverado Vineyards Sensory Theater of the Robert Mondavi Institute
for Wine and Food Science.

Guiding the audience toward an understanding of the compatibility of beer and
cheese will be Charlie Bamforth, the Anheuser-Busch Endowed Professor of Malting
and Brewing Science, and Moshe Rosenberg, professor of dairy engineering and
technology, both of the Department of Food Science and Technology.

Welcoming the group will be Clare Hasler, executive director of the Robert
Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science and an authority on functional

Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the diversity of beer
styles and flavors, as well as the more than 1,500 different cheese varieties
and the evolution of their flavors and qualities. A cheese-and-beer pairing will
be led from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., followed by a reception in the lobby of the
sensory theater.

Bamforth, who heads UC Davis’ brewing program, will discuss why Beer Is Best
for Brie and Beyond. He has written several books about beer including Beer:
Tap into the Art and Science of Brewing, (1998) and Grape Versus Grain
(2008), which he considers to be a completely unbiased comparison of wine and

Most recently, he recorded The Brewmaster’s Art, a seven-CD lecture program.
Bamforth brings with him a wealth of knowledge from the brewing industry, where
he worked for more than 20 years before joining the UC Davis faculty in 1999.

Rosenberg, who teaches dairy and cheese science courses at UC Davis and
instructs milk-processing and cheese-making courses, nationally and
internationally, will talk about Cheese From Serendipity to Science and Art.

Rosenberg serves as a cheese judge at state, national and international cheese
contests. His research is directed, among other topics, at cheese-making
technology, the development of cheese quality attributes and cheese terroir. He
is the author of more than 100 scientific articles, review and book chapters.
Prior to joining the UC Davis faculty, he served as the deputy director-general
and chief technology officer for the major cheese manufacturing company in his
native Israel, where he oversaw the daily manufacturing of more than 50 cheese

Prepaid cost for the event will be $55 for the general public and $45 for UC
Davis affiliates, or $65 per person if paid on the day of the event.

More information and registration are available from the Robert Mondavi
Institute at (530) 754-6349 (530) 754-6349

or online

University of California, Davis