As Big Milk Moves In, Family-Owned US Dairy Farms Rapidly Fold

In Weathersfield, Vt., a town once dotted with small milking farms, about 60 cows peacefully chew hay at their home on Fuller Farm. They are the last remaining dairy herd in Weathersfield, and they'll be auctioned off this week. This is a growing trend in the changing dairy industry — in the state and beyond.

David Fuller has been a dairy farmer here since 1977. He says it's the life he's loved since he was a small child. He says when he was a kid, his mom couldn't figure out why he and his brother were throwing up grass. "She let us go out … and there we were under the picnic table eating grass," he says. "She said, 'Why are you doing this?' and I told her, 'I just want to be a cow!' " he laughs.

He continues: "How fun is that … and look where it got me!"

Years later, Fuller says there is no longer enough money in running a small dairy farm.

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