April Is National Soyfoods Month

WASHINGTON — This April, the Soyfoods Association of North America will celebrate National Soyfoods Month by spreading awareness of the benefits of soy-based foods in the American diet. This year's theme, "Soyfoods: Endless Possibilities," promotes the versatility and sustainability of the plant-based proteins.

Soyfoods have many nutritional benefits and can contribute to a healthy, balanced and affordable diet. Soyfoods have high-quality proteins that contain all the essential amino acids in appropriate ratios needed for human growth, body maintenance and heart health. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration agrees that soy protein contributes to a heart-healthy diet. And, soyfoods provide smart, simple options for meals and snacks with countless choices to meet every taste bud in your family.

Additionally, soybean production has proven to be a more favorable and environmentally sustainable source of protein. Soy-based foods deliver the most protein per amounts of fossil energy, water use and land resource inputs. Soybeans offer 941 pounds of protein per acre of land, compared to the next most efficient land user, eggs, which produce only 212 pounds of protein per acre.

"We're passionate about the protein potential and endless possibilities that soyfoods bring to the table – literally," said Nancy Chapman, executive director of Soyfoods Association of North America. "There are plenty of myths and misconceptions about soyfoods, and we celebrate Soyfoods Month to set the record straight. It's often misconstrued that we want soyfoods to replace meat, but they in fact can be essential and delicious companions in a variety of diets. There truly are endless possibilities to enjoy soyfoods."

Throughout the month of April, soyfoods will be promoted in supermarkets across the U.S. via cooking demonstrations, coupons, in-store displays and discounts, and recipes. The Soyfoods Association will also be hosting a "Pin it to Win it" Pinterest contest, along with other winning opportunities across its social media channels to encourage the online soyfoods conversation, making April the perfect time for consumers to give soyfoods a try – or stock up on their favorites.

There are hundreds of soy products to try, in every aisle of the supermarket, and the versatility of soyfoods is evident in the brands and organizations that sponsor National Soyfoods Month. Industry partners include: Kellogg's MorningStar Farms; Silk Fruity & Creamy cultured soymilk "yogurt"; Soy Dream soymilk; both Wildwood and House Foods tofu; Sunrich Naturals edamame; SOYJOY whole soy and fruit bars; and the United Soybean Board, Illinois Soybean Association, Maryland Soybean Board, Michigan Soybean Promotion Committee, and Nebraska Soybean Board.

For more information about April's National Soyfoods Month, including myth-busting facts, nutrition information, tips, and endless possibilities for recipes, please visit www.soyfoodsmonth.org, follow @socialSANA on Twitter, and like facebook.com/SoyfoodsAssociation.

About Soyfoods Association of North America

The Soyfoods Association of North America is a non-profit trade association that has been promoting consumption of soyfoods in the diet since 1978. The Soyfoods Association is committed to encouraging sustainability, integrity and growth in the soyfoods industry by promoting the benefits and consumption of soy-based foods and ingredients in diets. More information is available at www.soyfoods.org.

Source: Soyfoods Association of North America