ADPI Welcomes Three New Consultants To The Center Of Excellence

Elmhurst, IL – The American Dairy Products Institute (ADPI) is proud to welcome three additional industry professionals to the ADPI Center of Excellence. Joining this group of resource specialists are A. Kent Keller, Andrew M. Novakovic, and Geoffrey W. Smithers. 

The ADPI Center of Excellence is a network of twelve seasoned dairy industry professionals with the expertise to answer questions on a wide range of topics. The group is a key part of ADPI's ongoing efforts to become the "go-to" authority on dairy ingredients. The Center provides ADPI members with an easy and economical way to gain access to a pool of industry experts capable of addressing any dairy-related questions or concerns they might have. 

Kent Keller's expertise in lactose and permeate manufacturing dates back to the infancy of the whey processing industry 40 years ago. In 1980, he founded his first company, Whey Systems, Inc., which later became Keller Technologies, Inc. As a result of his innovative processing technologies, Keller has been involved in the design of the majority of the world's lactose processing facilities. In 2000, he received the ADPI Award of Merit for his lifetime contributions to the dairy products industry and was recognized as "Mr. Lactose." 

Dr. Andrew Novakovic's areas of expertise include: Dairy Market Economics and Policy. Since 1978, Dr. Novakovic has held the position as the E.V. Baker Professor of Agricultural Economics at Cornell University. Dr. Novakovic conducts research in the field of dairy market economics and policy. During his career he has been involved in educational programs to implement major federal programs, such as the Milk Diversion Program, the Dairy Termination Program, Federal Order reform, and the Margin Protection Program for Dairy. In 2010, Dr. Novakovic served as Chair of the Dairy Industry Advisory Committee for the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. From 2011 to 2015, Dr. Novakovic served as a Senior Economist in the USDA Office of the Chief Economist, whose mission it is to advise the Secretary on agricultural, food, environmental and trade policy. 

Dr. Geoffrey Smithers has nearly 30 years of experience in dairy processing, and ingredient science and technology. During a career with CSIRO and Food Science Australia, Geoffrey successfully built client relationships in critical capability areas, including: processing systems; ingredient functionality and delivery; dairy proteins and bio-actives; sweet and acid whey; and nutrition science in Australasian, European and North American markets. Geoffrey formed his own dairy (and food) consulting business in early 2009, operating out of Melbourne, Australia, and has established a global client base. He has published extensively in the scientific literature, by way of original research articles, reviews and books, and is an inventor on a number of patent applications. 

"We are extremely pleased to welcome these three new industry professionals to the ADPI Center of Excellence. Their inclusion reflects ADPI's commitment to provide our members with reliable, meaningful and useful information," said David L. Thomas, ADPI CEO. 

The ADPI Center of Excellence resource professionals are always ready to address ADPI member questions or concerns. Current Center of Excellence professionals include K.J. Burrington, Dr. Phil Tong, Mary Keough Ledman, Mike McCully, Allen Sayler, Bjorn Sorensen, Dr. Lee Blakely, Dan Meyer and Dr. Jim Sullivan. Information regarding their areas of experience and expertise is available on the ADPI website ( ADPI members simply need to identify the person that has the expertise they require and make contact with that resource professional by phone or email. These consultations are done with Center of Excellence members on a strictly confidential basis. As an ADPI member, there will be no cost for this initial consultation. A member may then choose to employ the consultant directly if more extensive assistance is required. 

"The ADPI Center of Excellence was designed with our members in mind – it allows them to have more efficient and economical access to valuable industry resources," Thomas states. Members of the Center of Excellence also participate in a wide range of ADPI training and educational activities, including: preparing articles for the weekly ADPI "e-Update"; developing materials for the ADPI Academy website; presenting at ADPI meetings and seminars; and participating on various member committees and task forces. 

ADPI invites all members to visit the ADPI website for quick and easy access to the Center of Excellence. The site can be accessed at  


"Unleashing the Power of Dairy Ingredients"

ADPI – The American Dairy Products Institute is the leading national trade association representing manufacturers and marketers of dairy-based ingredients. ADPI's sole mission is to increase the worldwide use of dairy ingredients by marshaling the technical, manufacturing, and marketing resources of its members and others. For more information, visit our website at

Source: ADPI – The American Dairy Products Institute