A Tale Of Food Pairings

When you open the refrigerator, looking for inspiration for your own breakfast, what you find and choose to eat can set the tone for your day, tickle your tastebuds, and at the same time, set you up for nutrition success with the right choices. The same is true for your customers. As I read fellow blog author Joe McMahan’s coffee and milk post, my dietitian brain kicked in on all the wonderful ways dairy pairs with every other food group as well as coffee and treats. How do we capture the love of food plus the interest in health and wellness of our customers?
Here are just a few of my favorite ways to entice our customers to make it better together both in taste and nutrition, driving sales of better choices (choose low-fat and fat-free dairy products first) that can be shared via traditional and social media with simple, appealing tips and visuals.

1. Help your customers start their day out right. Making oatmeal with milk instead of water boosts nutrition, adding the nine essential nutrients found in milk to the whole grain goodness of oats. When you make oats with milk, you get 13 grams of protein and four grams of fiber in addition to 9 vitamins and minerals.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy