So this story begins when Alan and Dawn Spinola bought land out in the country near Red Rock Road north of Reno because they wanted to have a horse.
Which, in due course, brought them to the feed store where Dawn Spinola saw some chicks that were simply too cute to resist.
Which, in a classic chicken-and-egg story, resulted in eggs — a few eggs at first for the Spinolas’ friends, but now the flock has grown to 461 chickens and the couple finds that they’re busily developing a commercial egg business that serves grocers and restaurants., the couple’s business, looks to catch the wave of interest in locally grown and healthier foods, delivering eggs produced by free-ranging chickens to Reno-area kitchens within a week. Dawn Spinola says that’s about four times faster than deliveries from big egg producers to traditional grocers.
To read the rest of this story please go to: Northern Nevada Business Weekly