Build Shrimp Sales During Lent

February 10, 2010 The Shrimp Council

Shrimp is certainly the perfect menu choice for dining in or eating out.

Alaska Head Start Recognizes Peter Pan, Fisherman

Alaska Head Start is taking its hat off to Peter Pan Seafoods and Bristol Bay fishermen this week at a special ceremony.

Washington Halibut Quotas Down 15 Percent

February 10, 2010 Mark Yuasa, Seattle Times

There is a 15 percent reduction in the halibut quota from last year, and the lower figure is due to an overall stock biomass decrease.

Ban On Bluefin Tuna Exports Sought

The dispute over tuna pits most northern European countries against Japan and several Mediterranean fishing nations.

Loblaw’s Seafood Ban Could Disrupt Research

February 8, 2010 CBC News

Grocery store chain to stop selling shark, skate, orange roughy and sea bass.