D&W Marks Lent With Seafood Offerings

February 16, 2010 D&W Fresh Markets

Lent is the perfect season to give the sea a try when it comes to looking for your next main dish.

WWF, Supervalu To Address Sourcing Strategies

February 16, 2010 World Wildlife Fund

World Wildlife Fund announced a new collaboration with Supervalu to create a strategy for sustainably sourcing the store’s wild-caught seafood.

Sweeten Up Seafood Sales With Romantic Mussels

February 10, 2010 Mussel Industry Council

The Fresh Blue Cultured Mussel could be the next food of love according to the Mussel Industry Council.

Build Shrimp Sales During Lent

February 10, 2010 The Shrimp Council

Shrimp is certainly the perfect menu choice for dining in or eating out.

Alaska Head Start Recognizes Peter Pan, Fisherman

Alaska Head Start is taking its hat off to Peter Pan Seafoods and Bristol Bay fishermen this week at a special ceremony.