U.S. To Ban Shrimp Imports From Mexico

March 29, 2010 Associated Press

Mexico is losing its certification to export wild-harvest shrimp to the United States.

Trader Joe’s To Adopt Sustainable Practices

Trader Joe’s has announced that it will sell only sustainably sourced seafood by the end of 2012.

Seafood City Expands With Eco-Safe Ozone Disinfection

March 29, 2010 Eco-Safe Systems

Eco-Safe Systems USA, Inc.’s Eco-Safe Ozone Disinfection will be installed in two new Seafood City Supermarkets.

Pacific Seafood Receives Sustainability Award

The Clackamas County Office of Sustainability honored Pacific Seafood of Clackamas with a Business Recycling Awards Group certificate.

Recipes Help Promote Healthly Consumption

Nutritionists are increasingly enthusiastic about the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, present in fatty, cold water fish such as tuna, mackerel and salmon.