Japanese Have Seaweed-Eating Gene

Japanese consumers have a special gut bacteria with a gene that allows them to digest a specific kind of carbohydrate found only in seaweed.

Chefs Choosing Less Familar Fish

Many chefs and some home cooks are turning to underused and underappreciated species of fish.

NY Stores Found Including Ice In Weight Of Seafood

A Queensbury grocery and department store was among six stores statewide found selling frozen seafood that illegally included the weight of ice in the price, according to the state Department of Agriculture and Markets.

Seafood Omega 3s May Hinder Dry Eye Syndrome

One study looks at emerging benefits of the omega-3 fatty acids found in seafood.

Oyster Beds Closes Amid Outbreak Investigation

State health officials say theyre still investigating about three dozen reports of people falling ill after eating Louisiana oysters.