Feds Hope To Deter Mislabeling

February 25, 2010 Kim Holden, Fox 8

A grand jury soon could hand up indictments over cheap imported shrimp being mislabeled as “Caught in the U.S.”

Pink Salmon Gains Popularity

February 25, 2010 Paula Bock, The Seattle Times

Pink salmon is finding more and more fans thanks to a Washington state-based hands-on reef-net fishery.

FDA: Virus-Carrying Salmon OK To Eat

February 23, 2010 Ashley Fantz, CNN

The Food and Drug Administration says Chilean salmon is still safe to consume despite a virus that has killed scores of fish.

Summit Focuses On South Carolina Seafood

Representatives of all aspects of the South Carolina seafood industry came together recently to discuss conditions and to make plans to grow the business.

Ocean Beauty Seafoods Improves WAN Performance

Ocean Beauty Seafoods LLC has selected Silver Peak’s NX appliances to optimize application performance across the company’s high latency, high loss WAN links.