Follett Provides Icemaker Revit Blocks

Follett offers revit blocks for all Follett Chewblet icemakers, all Follett ice and water dispensers, and most Follett bin products.

Search Finds No Asian Carp Near Chicago

An initial six-week mission to catch and kill Asian carp lurking on the Great Lakes’ doorstep turned up none of the despised fish.

Mussels Make Perfect Easter Treat

March 30, 2010 Mussel Industry Council

Fresh Blue Cultivated Mussels are a nutritious, simple and affordable alternative to the traditional Easter meal.

U.S. To Ban Shrimp Imports From Mexico

March 29, 2010 Associated Press

Mexico is losing its certification to export wild-harvest shrimp to the United States.

Trader Joe’s To Adopt Sustainable Practices

Trader Joe’s has announced that it will sell only sustainably sourced seafood by the end of 2012.