Year In Review: Alaska’s Seafood Industry

Alaska, which ranks ninth in the world in terms of seafood production, contributed greatly to the nation’s seafood industry in 2009.

North Carolina Offers Basic Seafood HACCP Workshop

North Carolina Cooperative Extension and North Carolina Sea Grant along with the N.C. State University Seafood Laboratory announce a Basic Seafood HACCP Workshop to be held in February.

Starfish’s Halibut Featured On ABC’s Good Morning America Now

Starfishs all-natural gluten-free battered halibut was featured on Good Morning America Now.

American Shrimp Processors Condemn Proposed Settlement On Antidumping Order

The American Shrimp Processors Association (ASPA) strongly condemns the proposed settlement and revocation of the antidumping order on imported shrimp from Thailand.

National Sustainable Offshore Aquaculture Act To Improve Seafood Quality

December 23, 2009 Tim McHugh, Ocean Conservancy

This legislation establishes the first legally-binding national standards for how fish farming should be conducted in the open-ocean.