Virginia Oyster Suppliers Struggle As Oyster Population Drops

January 18, 2010 Cory Neal, The Daily Press

Pagan River Dockside Seafood hangs on as oyster population decline.

Inspection Details On Imported Seafood Up In The Air

Many are awaiting a decision from the Obama administration on how vigorous inspection of imported seafood will be in the future.

Congressional Seafood Regains Compliance With FDA

Congressional Seafood Co., which was cited by the FDA for failing to follow food safety regulations and ordered to stop distributing fish, has regained compliance.

Weather Chills Louisiana Crawfish Harvest

Cold temperatures in Louisiana are tough on farmers trying to harvest crawfish.

Farmed Or Wild Fish: Which Is Healthier?

January 14, 2010 Elizabeth Landau, CNN

CNNHealth examines the benefits of both farmed and wild fish.