Canadian Chain Adopts Sustainable Fisheries Policy

May 20, 2010 The Canadian Press

Supermarket chain Metro has adopted a new sustainable fisheries policy that will gradually eliminate the sale of threatened species.

Publix To Rank Seafood Suppliers On Sustainability

Publix will begin ranking seafood suppliers for sustainability.

Seafood Testing In Gulf Could Last Years

The danger posed by the Gulf oil spill could make testing of seafood necessary for decades to come, according to officials and scientists.

Oil Spill Perceptions Killing Business

May 19, 2010 Dave Heller, WTSP

Florida fishermen say the perception that Gulf seafood is tainted with oil is killing business right now.

Seafood Prices On The Rise, Suppliers Feeling Pinch

Local distributors say that the cost of oysters and popcorn shrimp has risen between 40 and 50 percent since the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.