Portions Of Louisiana Waterways Reopen To Fishing

June 15, 2010 Daily Comet

The LDWF has reopened some portions of inside waters east and west of the Mississippi River in Plaquemines Parish.

New Orleans Faced With Cuisine Crisis

June 15, 2010 Steven Gray, TIME

The BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has closed nearly one-third of the Gulf of Mexico to fishing.

New Orleans Chefs Work Around Seafood Scarcity

As fresh seafood falls off menus in New Orleans because of the oil spill in the Gulf, chefs are looking for new ideas to take its place.

Mississippi Announces Additional Fishing Closures

The Mississippi Department of Marine Resources announced additional fishing closures of certain portions of Mississippis territorial marine waters.

American Pride Launches Omega-3 Heart Of The Ocean

American Pride Seafoods introduced Omega-3 Heart Of The Ocean.