Florida Announces Extra Harvesting Day For Apalachicola Oysters

The summer oyster harvesting areas in the Apalachicola Bay System will now include harvest on Saturdays.

FDA Issues Global Raw Packaged Seafood Import Alert

June 7, 2010 Rick Quinn, FDA

The FDA issues a global raw packaged seafood import alert.

Amid Losses From Spill, Chefs Fear For Oysters

Chef Paul Prudhomme is trying to strike a balance between publicizing the potential impact of the BP oil spill on the area’s oyster supply and assuring patrons it’s safe to eat the seafood.

Chef Takes On Sardine Challenge

June 7, 2010 National Public Radio

Top Chef Carla Hall was asked to invent a dish using the pungent tinned fish.

Seafood Restaurants Fear Ripples From Spill

Seafood restaurants and others are tracking the BP oil spill and fearing the worst.