River Fish Kill Deters Seafood Patrons

June 21, 2010 News4Jax.com

Seafood and fishing industries are suffering from negative perception from the recent fish kill in the St. Johns River in northeast Florida.

Oil Spill Stirs Study, Debate Over Health Impacts

Public health officials and scientists will discuss the health impacts of the BP oil spill during a 2-day meeting beginning Tuesday in New Orleans.

BP Spill Hurting Oyster Business In Virginia

The BP oil spill is hurting oyster business in Virginia.

California Fish Farmer Catches Customers

Sloughhouse, CA-based Passmore Ranch sells its farmed live black bass, silver carp, catfish and white sturgeon at Northern California farmers markets.

Gulf Fish Still Good, Despite Public Concern

Consumers have no reason to curtail seafood consumption because of the oil damage in the Gulf of Mexico, says seafood chefs and restaurant owners.