Scientists Find Oil In Gulf Crabs

July 2, 2010 USA Today

The larvae of blue crabs and fiddler crabs from Louisiana to Pensacola, FL, contain oil droplets, according to scientists from the University of Southern Mississippi and Tulane University.

Southeast Trollers Ply Waters For Coveted King Salmon

Southeast summer troll fishery opened July 1, paving the way for fishermen.

Ocean Pro Convicted In Illegal Rockfish Case

A fish wholesaler and two of its employees were found guilty with purchasing illegally harvested striped bass.

Mississippi Announces Additional Areas Closed To Fishing

The Mississippi Department of Marine Resources and the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality are closing an additional portion of the state’s Mississippi territorial marine waters.

With Gulf Spill, Seafood Buyers Swap Out Supply

The Gulf may be soiled with oil, some eafood specialis say they’re having little trouble getting what they needs in a global market.