Diners Grilling Restaurants Over Seafood Sourcing

Restaurateurs say a portion of their customers seek reassurance about where their seafood comes from.

At Meeting, Lobstermen Fiercely Oppose Ban

Lobstering attracted jumbo attention at a public meeting Thursday in Rhode Island on a proposed 5-year ban.

NOAA Reopens One-Third Of Closed Gulf Fishing Area

July 23, 2010 NOAA

No oil has been observed for 30 days in 26,388 square miles to be re-opened for fishing, according to NOAA.

Island Seafoods To Brand Salmon With Turbines

Island Seafoods, a small fish processor on Shelikof Street in Kodiak, AK, is hoping to boost the marketing of its product by touting its connection to sustainable energy.

Maryland To Ease Crabbing Restrictions

July 22, 2010 Pamela Wood, The Capital

Maryland is following through on its promise to ease crabbing restrictions for watermen this fall.