Roundy’s Names Chicago Stores After CEO

“Chairman Bob” Mariano will be the namesake for Roundy’s Supermarkets Inc. when it opens its first Chicago-area store this summer.

Walmart Dominates Retail Loyalty Index

March 30, 2010 COLLOQUY

In a vast departure from COLLOQUYs 2008 report on consumer loyalty to U.S. retailers, Walmart dominated the 2010 COLLOQUY Retail Loyalty Index.

Casual Chains Offer Small Bites At Small Prices

March 30, 2010 Bruce Horovitz, USA Today

A cadre of casual-dining icons are trying to boost business with value-priced items to be passed around the table.

Restaurants Show Signs Of Spring

Consumers are coming back, suppliers have lowered prices and it’s the best wild mushroom season in years.

Whole Foods Store Hosts Opera Performances

Washington National Opera singers perform in a Whole Foods store in Harbor East.