Burger King Ad Mocks McDonald’s Breakfast

Burger King is betting big on breakfast with a new national blitz to promote a morning sandwich that’s admittedly a lot like McDonald’s Egg McMuffin.

Will ‘Net Discounts Gain Loyal Diners?

While recession-weary consumers may be happy to buy a $50 dinner for $25 at Web sites like Groupon.com, a participating restaurant makes only $12.50.

Study: Store Brands’ Appeal Strengthening

The appeal of store brand products is stronger than ever and may even be intensifying.

Culinary Institute of America Head To Keynote CAFE

Dr. Tim Ryan, president of The Culinary Institute of America, will keynote the 2010 CAF Leadership Conference.

Kroger Executive Joins MCS Ambassadors

April 1, 2010 MSQ Mexico

Gale Prince, Kroger’s food safety program head, joined the MCS Ambassadors.