Pregis Introduces HC Ultra Cushioning System

April 13, 2010 Pregis Corp.

Pregis Corp. has expanded the capabilities of its hybrid cushioning material with the introduction of a new wider-width format.

Fast-Food Chains In Full Bloom

April 13, 2010 Miriam Marcus, Forbes

After a year-long winter of lower sales, chains like McDonald’s, Wendy’s and Domino’s are enjoying a springtime rebound.

Study: Walmart Rollbacks Do Not Appear Overly Threatening

Walmart Stores Inc.’s first wave of price rollbacks doesn’t look overly threatening to traditional grocers Kroger and Safeway’s Tom Thumb, according to a price analysis in Dallas and Chicago by Morgan Stanley & Co.

U.S. Potatoes Attracting Asian Diners

April 12, 2010 David Fairbourn, USPB

U.S. table-stock potatoes are popping up in new forms and new dishes at restaurants throughout Asia.

NYC Ramps Up Inspections, Closes More Restaurants

The Health Department in New York City has increased inspections, as a result shutting down 27 percent more restaurants in 2009 over the previous year.