Packaging Reduction Can Be More Harmful Than Good

July 9, 2010 Environmental Leader

A report from the Global Packaging Project says companies reducing the amount of packaging they use can do more environmental harm than good.

Jewel-Osco To Thin Out Selection In Some Stores

A Jewel-Osco store in Bolingbrook, IL, will have 15 to 25 percent fewer products than other stores, and the company says it will prune inventory in other locations.

Consumers Flock To Megastores

As Target and Wal-Mart have opened megastores, consumers have followed.

Kroger Company Veteran To Lead Dillon Unit

July 8, 2010 Associated Press

Joe Grieshaber, who has worked for Kroger since 1983, has been named president of the Dillon Food Stores unit.

Cameras Catch Checkout Gaffes

Lamb’s Markets stores in Oregon have installed cameras over checkout scanners, which show some mistakes are honest and others are not.