Tesco To Launch Mobile Shopping App

Tesco brings mobile shopping into the mainstream.

Senate Passes School Nutrition Bill

The U.S. Senate has approved a bill setting new nutrition standards for food sold in schools and expanding the number of low-income children eligible for free or reduced-price lunches.

Chefs Seek Payment For Virgin Oils’ Phony Purity

August 6, 2010 The Washington Post

A group of chefs and restaurateurs that includes former “Top Chef” contestant David Martin filed a lawsuit in California this week against distributors of olive oil labeled as virgin.

Task Force To Study Obesity, Vitamin D Deficiency

First Lady Michelle Obama’s Task Force plans to shed light on the peidemic of obesity and vitamin D deficiency.

Restaurants School Wait Staff On Menu’s Minutiae

For servers at fine-dining establishments, especially those that focus on local and sustainable sourcing, staff meetings may well include quizzes on the origins of ingredients.