USDA Pilot To Subsidize Fruits And Vegetables

The USDA announced details of a $20 million pilot program that provides incentives for recipients of SNAP, formerly called food stamps, to eat more fruits and vegetables.

Trader Joe’s Seeks Growth Without Trade-Offs

August 23, 2010 Beth Kowitt, CNN

Trader Joe’s is working to maintain its image as a quirky neighborhood grocery store, even though the chain is growing.

Economy Forces More Small Restaurants To Close

The number of small eateries closing their doors during the down economy grew as consumers tightened their belts and cut back on dining out.

Restaurateur Opens Grocery Alternative In Chicago Food Desert

August 20, 2010 Fresh Family Foods

Fresh Family Foods, a unique grocery store concept located in one of Chicago’s most notorious food deserts, is set to host its grand opening on Aug. 26.

Krispy Kreme Beckons Sweetly To Investors Again

Krispy Kreme’s fortunes are on the rise after several years of struggling to rid itself of massive debt and overcome the results of moving too fast.