Barcodes Now Hold More Information

Barcodes now hold more information, especially as consumers gain a greater interest in the food they purchase.

Sysco Showcases Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology

Sysco showcases its new advanced hydrogen fuel cell technology at inauguration of new Houston warehouse.

Walmart Prepared For Major Expansion In Chicago

Wal-Mart is prepared to build “dozens” of Chicago stores if Mayor Daley can find a way to break a six-year-old City Council stalemate over wage demands.

Trader Joe’s To Open West Seattle Store

Trader Joe’s will open its first West Seattle store next year.

Health Officials Push For Restaurant-Inspection Transparency

June 21, 2010 Greg Latshaw, USA Today

A growing number of health departments throughout the country are pushing for more transparency for consumers via measures such as posting health-inspection scores in restaurants or online.