Low-Cost Valu King Opens In Pennsylvania

Giant Eagle opened a Valu King store in Johnstown, PA.

Publix Names New Atlanta VP

September 7, 2010 Atlanta Business Chronicle

Joseph DiBenedetto, who joined Publix in 1975 as a front-service clerk, has been named vice president of the Atlanta Division and will begin the job on Jan. 1.

Rite Aid, Save-A-Lot To 10 South Carolina Stores

Rite Aid Corp. and Save-A-Lot will co-brand existing stores in Greenville, S.C.

Zagat Votes Atlanta Bread Among Top 5 Healthiest Chains

In the recently released 2010 Zagat Fast Food Survey, Atlanta Bread received Top 5 distinctions in two key categories.

Retailers Look To Tighten Their Own Egg Standards

Buyers for retail chains including warehouse giant Costco are considering plans to tighten their companies’ food safety standards in the wake of last month’s massive egg recall.